Hey there!, I'm-


A self-taught Web/IOT Developer.

💻 Making Discord Bots and Web applications.

Currently a Student from the UK.

About Me.

Hi! I'm tygerxqt, I've been close to a computer since an early age, and been passionate about it ever since.

I really liked to build stuff using no-code tools back in 2013, and from that, I self-taught myself how to code. Fast-forward to today, I program in various languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Python.
I'm interested in building something helpful and automate tasks with code, currently focused on Web Development, Discord bots, and I anticipate entering the game development area soon as well!

When I'm not working on projects, I play video games, watch some anime, or if the weather's good, I go out on a bike ride with my friends!

Featured projects.

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Here's some of my projects that I have worked on.

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Nord Website


Built with NextJS, Chakra UI, and Contentful CMS.

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Atlas is an advanced moderation bot built with privacy and security in mind.

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My personal portfolio, made with NextJS, Contentful CMS, and Chakra UI

Places to find me.

I'm currently working on projects over at Nord Studios.
But here are a few places you can find me, That's all folks! 👋

Designed and Developed by tygerxqt.
Built with Next.js & Chakra UI. Hosted on Vercel.